Saturday, February 02, 2008

Food Fight!: A Short History Of War Through Foods

This is a very interesting approach on the subject of war. Noah Shachtman from Wired magazine says in his February 1, 2008 article "Video: A Tasty History of War": "From Here to Eternity, it ain't. But this trailer for Food Fight -- "an abridged history of war, from World War II to present day, told through the foods of the countries in conflict" -- is silly enough to waste a few minutes of your work day."Watch as traditional comestibles slug it out for world domination in this chronologically re-enacted smorgasbord of aggression!"

As Mr.Shachtman stated above, the history is indeed very, very abridged so don't expect a tremendous variety of foods from all continents. You will however see the ubiquitous hamburger's presence in all of these conflicts and you will also see, in an irreverent and comical sort of way with this short video, the convoluted disarray armed conflicts leave behind and in that regard, my question is: Who the hell cleans up the mess afterwards? But Food Fight -- "an abridged history of war, from World War II to present day, told through the foods of the countries in conflict" is not the sort of film production that lends itself to very serious intellectual discussion. Clearly, that's not what its meant to do. Its hamburgers and sushi and egg rolls, among other comestibles, duking it out for crying out loud! But its silly enough to be entertaining.

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